Bladder Cancer Survivor
Frank Boyer was diagnosed with high-grade Stage IV locally advanced bladder cancer

"I learned I had been diagnosed with high-grade, Stage IV, locally advanced bladder cancer. And so began my life changing journey at the age of 74 to beat cancer. The best plan for beating this disease called for four rounds of intensive chemotherapy followed by radical robotic surgery to remove my bladder and prostate. I completed all four cycles of [chemotherapy]. A week after the surgery, I was overwhelmed with joy that the pathology report confirmed that I was cancer-free. I have a stoma and an external bag but have learned to manage it well and accept it as a new way of life.
“I hope that by sharing my story, it will provide a sense of hope for other cancer patients. We are not alone in this battle and there is HOPE even for those of us with advanced stages of bladder cancer.”