Head and Neck Cancer
Meet the Team
A multidisciplinary team will be involved with the care plan. The team may include the following highly skilled professionals.

Anaplastologists specialize in making custom prostheses, such as eyes, ears and noses, to rehabilitate an absent, disfigured or malformed part of the body.
Head and neck oncologic surgeons provide expertise in surgical procedures of the head and neck (an otolaryngologist with specialized surgical training).
Maxillofacial prosthodontists create custom dentures or other prostheses to help restore facial appearance, speech and the ability to eat normally.
Medical oncologists treat cancer with drug therapy or other medications.
Oncologic dentists and oral oncologists provide expert dental or oral care for people with head and neck cancer.
Oncology nurses provide inpatient or outpatient care in a cancer treatment facility.
Otolaryngologists treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat; also called an ENT.
Palliative care specialists work to provide physical and emotional relief for cancer symptoms and treatment-related side effects.
Patient navigators and nurse navigators serve as guides through diagnosis, treatment and follow-up; may also be patient advocates. They identify barriers to treatment, such as the need for transportation or help with copays and deductibles, and access resources to resolve such barriers. They are also commonly involved with coordination throughout the continuum of care.
Psychologists/onco-psychologists address psychological, emotional and social issues that affect cancer patients and their loved ones.
Radiation oncologists treat cancer using radiation therapy.
Reconstructive and plastic surgeons use reconstructive procedures and techniques to help restore function and appearance after cancer treatment.
Registered dietitians and nutritionists help meet nutritional challenges that arise during and after treatment by providing nutrition advice based on your medical condition and individual needs.
Rehabilitation specialists, including physical therapists and occupational therapists, help restore movement and build physical strength after cancer treatment; and speech and language therapists offer strategies and techniques for regaining or improving the ability to speak, swallow or use other oral motor skills following treatment.
Social workers assist you and your family if you need psychosocial (emotional) care or assistance, or require resources outside of medical care or advance directive planning.